Tuesday 19 January 2010

This is my youngest son - I built his bike today (had it for Christmas) but we have had such rubbish weather he hasn't been able to use it before now!!!

i'll post again later xxx

Monday 18 January 2010

So Here Goes

How you doing?

I thought a Monday was a good place to start?  maybe maybe not!  I've been to work today - we had a couple of ladies in for a workshop which was fun and I managed to get the kits ready for the one I am teaching on Friday too.

Finished work about half 2 and then went to pick up DS1 from school and then zipped straight over to put my Bobby to bed - he's had a wonky leg for a little while now and this evening as I was putting his rugs on he almost had his foot on the floor which is fabulous!!!

Came home sorted the dogs and the cat, cooked some dinner and am now sat here talking to you guys lol

Tonight I fully intend to go and do some crafty stuff - need to make some samples for the workshops at work and it would be nice to do some for myself too!!!  I'm sure there is plenty of housework to do but,,,,,,,,,no no I would much prefer to be in my crafty room (dining room) making things lol

hmmmm  ...  think I'll leave it at that for now

Take Care

Sam xxx